Yellowstone south entrance shut down and evacuated due to wildfire
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The following is a news release from The National Park Service.
GRAND TETON NATIONAL PARK — Fire activity increased on the Berry Fire yesterday, south of Yellowstone National Park. Heavy smoke and falling trees forced a closure between the Yellowstone South Entrance and Lizard Creek Campground on Hwy 89/191/287.
Lewis Lake Campground is still open and visitors are allowed to access that campground from the north. Only visitors headed to Lewis Lake Campground or backcountry trailheads along the park road will be allowed to drive south of the Grant Intersection.
NPS staff housed at South Entrance were evacuated safely. All employees are accounted for and most of them have been relocated to Grant. Park staff also helped at Flagg Ranch during evacuations.
The park sent three engines and several rangers to the Berry Fire to assist with structure protection and public safety. The Maple Fire sent one engine and a hotshot crew.
Cooler temperatures and higher humidities are predicted for today, September 12, with possible moisture.
For information on the Grand Teton National Park Berry Fire visit
For information on Yellowstone National Park fires visit