Young mom of hospitalized baby gets a big Christmas gift from an anonymous Secret Santa - East Idaho News
Secret Santa

Young mom of hospitalized baby gets a big Christmas gift from an anonymous Secret Santa

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The team is busy helping a local Secret Santa give $1 million to deserving people in eastern Idaho this holiday season. Every day, from now until Christmas, we will post videos of the recipients being surprised with these life-changing gifts.

Madison, Scott and their sweet family have been through so much this last year. Their baby was born at 35 weeks and when she was two weeks old, she woke up in the middle of the night projectile vomiting.

Maddy and Scott rushed her to the hospital and learned she had a brain bleed so she was airlifted to Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City. Doctors discovered she had a birth defect which caused her to have a stroke on the right side of her brain which resulted in a brain bleed on both sides of her brain.

The baby spent three months at Primary Children’s before returning home. A few months later, she started to develop extra fluid on her brain. She had to go back to Primary Children’s to have a shunt put in her brain.

She was transported again by ambulance recently weeks ago because she has developed new seizures called infantile spasms.

Madison has been having to go back and forth to the hospital almost every week. She often takes the bus or gets rides because their vehicles are not reliable.

Their sweet baby continues to fight for her life and spent another few days at EIRMC with RSV just this week.

Secret Santa asked the East Idaho News team if we could pay Maddy a visit and drop off an early Christmas gift. Check out the video in the player above!

watch Secret Santa videos