Hollywood Executive Releases Statement Denying Sex Abuse Claims - East Idaho News
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Hollywood Executive Releases Statement Denying Sex Abuse Claims

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FGETTY 042415 BryanSinger?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1398343430897Director Bryan Singer. Alberto E. Rodriguez/WireImage(LOS ANGELES) — Attorneys for one of the Hollywood executives being sued by director Bryan Singer’s accuser have released a new statement denying the sex abuse allegations made by the plaintiff.

Michael Egan, 31, has claimed that Gary Goddard and two other executives, David Neuman and Garth Ancier, abused him when he was a teenager at an Encino, Calif., home, and in Hawaii.

Goddard’s attorneys say in their statement that their client “was not in Hawaii with Mr. Egan. He did not molest or touch or annoy Mr. Egan or commit any of the acts alleged. Also, he did not furnish drugs or alcohol to any minor at any time.”

The statement continues, “We have also reviewed the complaints filed against other defendants by Mr. Egan. The ‘cookie-cutter’ allegations in all of the complaints filed by Mr. Egan are so fantastical as to be unbelievable on their face.”

Goddard directed the 1987 He-Man movie Masters of the Universe and has helped create theme park attractions for Universal Studios.

Ancier, Neuman and Singer — the latter of whom was named in Egan’s first lawsuit, filed last week — previously denied the allegations made against them by Egan, who is represented by attorney Jeff Herman.

Herman also represented plaintiffs who brought three sex abuse cases against former Elmo puppeteer Kevin Clash.  The U.S. Court of Appeals threw out the cases this month, agreeing with a previous decision by a New York judge to dismiss the complaints, according to People magazine.

Herman tells the magazine, “The case was dismissed because of the statute of limitations. There is no ruling on the merits.”

Another, similar case against Clash is still pending.

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