Christian songwriter Shawna Edwards answers 7 Questions with Emmy - East Idaho News
7 Questions with Emmy

Christian songwriter Shawna Edwards answers 7 Questions with Emmy

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Every week I’m interviewing fascinating people in our community, nation and around the world.

Shawna Edwards is a Christian songwriter who has been posting her music on YouTube for the past ten years. Her channel has over 50 million views and her music has been sung around the world. Her most recent song ‘Just Pray’ was released this month for the National Day of Prayer.

I had the privilege of speaking with Shawna about her music and career. Here’s what I asked her:

  • When did you know you wanted to be a songwriter?
  • What inspires you to write music?
  • What does it feel like to have kids and adults singing the songs you have written?
  • You’ve written a lot of beautiful songs. Do you have a favorite?
  • If you could write a song with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
  • If you weren’t writing music, what would you dream job be?
  • Do you have any advice for me?

Watch my entire interview with Shawna in the video player above and learn more about her on her website here.

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