McDonald's to Open Its First Burger Restaurant in Kazakhstan - East Idaho News

McDonald’s to Open Its First Burger Restaurant in Kazakhstan

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GETTY 111314 McDs?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1415912852056Justin Sullivan/Getty Images(NEW YORK) — McDonald’s, the biggest burger chain in the world, may be around every corner in the United States, but it’s still barely breaking ground in other countries.

The latest country to have its first McDonald’s will be Kazakhstan in Central Asia, in 2015. One of two countries vying to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, Kazakhstan is McDonald’s 120th global market.

It will be the 39th market managed by McDonald’s Europe. It is expected to open in the second half of next year under a local licensee.

McDonald’s has locations in over 100 countries, with more than 35,000 restaurants.

Established in 1954, McDonald’s is headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois. The first international restaurants opened in Canada and Puerto Rico in 1967.

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