NASA Will Pay You to Stay in Bed for 70 Days - East Idaho News

NASA Will Pay You to Stay in Bed for 70 Days

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Getty 091813 WomanInBed?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1379518683465Justin Horrocks / Getty Images(HOUSTON) — If you hate working but love space, you might want to call NASA.  

The space agency is looking for volunteers to participate in a bed rest study at the Johnson Space Center in Houston to examine the effects of prolonged exposure to microgravity.

How do they test that, you ask? By having people lie in beds for 70 days.

If it sounds like too much to handle, get this: NASA will pay you $5,000 per month for your “efforts.”

The entire study is expected to last about three months, which means a $15,000 payday.

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