UN Report Details War Crimes Committed by Syrian Government, Militant Groups - East Idaho News

UN Report Details War Crimes Committed by Syrian Government, Militant Groups

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Thinkstock 082714 SyriaMap?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1409191071588iStockphoto/Thinkstock(GENEVA) — A United Nations report released Wednesday detailed the war crimes committed by all sides of the conflict in Syria, including by militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

According to the report, atrocities committed by both government forces and non-state militant groups have caused “immeasurable suffering to civilians.” The report, produced by the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, included information gathered from over 400 interviews and documentary material.

In areas controlled by ISIS, the U.N. report indicates weekly “executions, amputations and lashings in public squares.” Civilians, the report notes, “are urged to watch” these acts of violence.

The U.N. also notes that the Syrian government continues to commit violations, including indiscriminate firing of missiles, preventing injured citizens from passing through checkpoints to reach hospitals, and in April and May, government forces used chemical agents in at least eight separate incidents.

The report called on the international community to act, calling its current lack of action a “failure…to protect civilians, halt and prevent atrocities and create a path toward accountability.”

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