Netanyahu Apologizes for Warning About Arab Voters - East Idaho News

Netanyahu Apologizes for Warning About Arab Voters

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SD 31715 BenNetanyahu?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1427199239550State Department photo/Public Domain(JERUSALEM) — Hoping to mend some fences after his stunning victory last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized Monday for warning supporters prior to the election that Arab voters turning out “in droves” posed “a threat” to Israel’s future.

Speaking to a group of minority leaders, which did not include Israel’s only Arab party, Netanyahu remarked, “I know the things I said a few days ago hurt some of Israel’s citizens and hurt Israel’s Arabs. I had no intention to do that. I apologize for it…I see all Israeli citizens as partners in the building of a thriving and secure Israel for all Israeli citizens.”

Ironically, some political observers believe that Netanyahu’s fiery rhetoric was what snatched victory from the jaws of defeat.

The political alliance, Joint Arab List, rejected the apology, suggesting that Netanyahu was being insincere.

The group said in a statement that the prime minister’s “apology is just empty words intended to preserve his racist regime.”

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