Rubio Derides 'Terrible' Decision to Remove Cuba from State Sponsor of Terrorism List - East Idaho News

Rubio Derides ‘Terrible’ Decision to Remove Cuba from State Sponsor of Terrorism List

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MarcoRubioOfficialPortrait112thCongress?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1429045293230US Senate(WASHINGTON) — Marco Rubio, one day after announcing his campaign to become president in 2016, posted a video to his YouTube page decrying President Obama’s recommendation to remove Cuba from the U.S. government’s state sponsor of terrorism list.

“The decision made by the White House today is a terrible one,” Rubio said bluntly on Tuesday, “but not surprising, unfortunately.” Rubio said in the wake of Obama’s December 2014 announcement of normalizing relations with Cuba that he was against such action.

“Cuba is a state sponsor of terrorism,” the Florida senator explained. “They harbor fugitives of American justice, including someone who killed a police officer in New Jersey over 30 years ago. It’s also the country that’s helping North Korea evade weapons sanctions by the United Nations.”

In Rubio’s mind, Cuba “should have remained on the list of state sponsors of terrorism.” Instead, the island nation is that much closer to being removed from this list, which Rubio believes “sends a chilling message to our enemies abroad that this White House is no longer seriously serious about calling terrorism by its proper name.”

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