Two-headed goat born on Wisconsin farm - East Idaho News

Two-headed goat born on Wisconsin farm

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Nueske Farms in Wisconsin just welcomed a new and unique member to their family – a two-headed goat named Janus.

He was born Sunday.

He’s one of about a thousand goats born on the farm this year but the only one with two heads.

The Nueske family believes janus was actually supposed to be two goats — twins — but the eggs didn’t fully split.

They feed Janus from a bottle. Both heads eat.

As for the name, there’s a story behind that too.

“It’s after a Greek (Roman) god that has two heads, and it’s for — it means like duality, beginning and ending. I thought it fit pretty well,” said Jocelyn Nueske, his owner.

The Neuske family really wants to keep Janus as a pet, and they’re hoping he will survive.

They say there’s a fifty-fifty chance he will make it.