Trailer hitch flies through windshield sending 2 men to hospital
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ATOMIC CITY — The Idaho State Police report a trailer hitch flew through a windshield of a truck, sending a man to the hospital.
The crash occurred just before 10 a.m. Monday.
A news release from ISP indicates a teenager was headed westbound on U.S. Highway 20 in a 2011 Chevy Silverado. The driver passed a 2005 Ford F150 driven by Darrick D. Pratt, 31, of Idaho Falls. Jorge Chapa, 59, of Iona was Pratt’s passenger.
The Chevy lost its hitch, which bounced off the road near milepost 264 and through Pratt’s windshield. The hitch hit Pratt in the chest, leaving him with minor injuries.
Pratt and Chapa were taken by ambulance to Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center in Idaho Falls.
ISP reminds you to make sure hitches and other equipment are secure before heading down the road.
The Idaho National Laboratory Fire Department, ambulance and security assisted ISP.