Life Lessons Encore: Laura Huffaker shares what she learned as a mother and how she got through her husband’s untimely death - East Idaho News
Life Lessons

Life Lessons Encore: Laura Huffaker shares what she learned as a mother and how she got through her husband’s untimely death

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Life is hard, stressful, fast-paced and can sometimes be overwhelming. That’s why is partnering with MorningStar Senior Living of Idaho Falls to bring you Life Lessons.

We’re asking MorningStar residents to share gems of wisdom every Tuesday with us. Some of their answers will make you laugh, some may make you cry, some may even change your life.

With the spread of COVID-19, we are currently unable to interview the wise folks face-to-face at Morningstar so we’re taking a look back at what some in the past have told us.

We first met Laura Huffaker in January. She has raised six sons and learned a lot as their mother. She says she discovered what patience was but has no regrets from her life.

Laura shared how she got through her husband’s untimely death when he died in an accident. She talked about the lessons she’s learned and what she wants to be remembered for.

Watch the video above for our entire conversation with Laura.