A Secret Santa surprises a high school speech teacher with money and a car - East Idaho News
Secret Santa

A Secret Santa surprises a high school speech teacher with money and a car

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A Secret Santa is back and this Christmas is bigger than ever!

The EastIdahoNews.com team is busy helping a local man gift more than $500,000 this holiday season. A lot more. Secret Santa is a real person who wants to remain anonymous and hopes to help as many individuals in our community as he can.

Bob lost his wife unexpectedly last December after she suffered through many painful health issues. This last year has been a struggle of grief and anxiety. Despite this devastating blow, he is an amazing giver, friend and leader. He has 27 nieces and nephews that easily call him their favorite. He is so generous with his time and money.

Bob has taught speech, English and debate at Bonneville High School for 15 years. He has built a state championship debate program and takes them to nationals every year.

Bob has cared for his elderly father in his home for the past five years. He is a giver at heart and loves seeing the happiness of others.

Secret Santa asked the East Idaho News elves to surprise Bob at school with an early Christmas gift. Watch the video above to see what happened!

watch Secret Santa videos