Bingham County Sheriff's Office mourns 'one of its most valuable employees' - East Idaho News

Bingham County Sheriff’s Office mourns ‘one of its most valuable employees’

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BINGHAM COUNTY — The Bingham County Sheriff’s office bid a heartfelt farewell to one of their own on June 30.

“It is with great regret that we inform you, our amazing community, that our long-serving K-9 ‘Duco’ has passed away,” the sheriff’s office announced on its Facebook page.

Described as a strong dog who loved to work, Duco was a Belgian malinois born in Holland. He specialized in sniffing out narcotics. When the county purchased Duco, he was paired with Crpl. Jared Miller, who was new to dog handling at the time.

Miller wrote a tribute to his K-9 partner in the Bingham County Sheriff’s post.

“If Duco was on a narcotic search, you had no doubts he would find it. Duco was great at finding drugs,” Miller said.

“Ultimately,” Miller wrote, “all his hard work would be his downfall.” Miller explained that Duco had injured his spine while on the job. The injury, he wrote, became degenerative, to the point that Duco wasn’t able to walk.

Miller watched Duco’s condition worsen, even as he tried everything he could to help. Doing so, he said, “has been one of the hardest things I have had to do.”

Miller remembered Duco as, “a true example of dedicated service and sacrifice.”

“May he always be remembered,” Miller concluded. “And his legacy never forgotten.”