Young father battling pancreatic cancer is resting at home when a Secret Santa's elves knock on his door - East Idaho News
Secret Santa

Young father battling pancreatic cancer is resting at home when a Secret Santa’s elves knock on his door

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The team is busy helping a local Secret Santa give $1 million to deserving people in eastern Idaho this holiday season.

Oscar was diagnosed with stage 3 pancreatic cancer in February. Since then, the cancer has metastasized and spread to his sternum, ribs and lower spine. He goes to chemo every week and has multiple doctor appointments a month – some of which are in Salt Lake.

Oscar lives in American Falls and has to drive to Pocatello or Salt Lake for all of his appointments. He has been unable to work since late February, making his wife and mother of their children the only source of income. They have tried several different types of chemo on Oscar, none of which have worked, and right now he is trying to get accepted into a clinical trial in Salt Lake.

Doctors do not know what the outcome will be for Oscar and although his family is hoping for the best, they are also preparing for the worst.

“My dad has stayed as positive as can be expected throughout the process and we have all been able to lean on each other,” his son wrote to Secret Santa. “We are hoping to get my dad to see his mom and siblings soon and go back to his hometown one last time. He has not been home in over 15 years and he has not seen his mom for over 10 years.”

Secret Santa asked if the East Idaho News elves could pay Oscar a visit with an early Christmas gift. Watch the video in the player above.

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