You have to see this! Bison charge toward tourists at Yellowstone National Park - East Idaho News
You Have To See This!

You have to see this! Bison charge toward tourists at Yellowstone National Park

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A herd of bison charge tourists at Yellowstone National Park. | Courtesy USA Today

WHERE THE FLUFFY COWS ROAM — There’s a reason tourists visiting Yellowstone National Park are told to keep a safe distance from animals, but for those who need to be reminded, this week’s viral video should do the job.

The video, which was shared online this month, shows a herd of bison first walk right past a tourist sitting on a bench. The man holds still as the bison go around him, but then the woman recording the bison is heard saying, “Oh, I don’t think that’s wise.”

At that point, the video shows five tourists walking across the grass in front of the bison, only feet away. The bison begin to run in the tourists’ direction, prompting the humans in their path to run.

“Oh my heavens. Oh no. Don’t run! Holy cats! Oh my God! They’ve got the zoomie zooms!” the woman recording the encounter says.

The visitors managed to get out of the bisons’ way in time. No injuries were reported.