NFL Owners, Executives Watch Domestic Violence Video - East Idaho News

NFL Owners, Executives Watch Domestic Violence Video

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GETTY 10814 FootballField?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1412796547173iStock/Thinkstock(NEW YORK) — NFL team owners and executives were shown a video starring former linebacker Joe Ehrmann to kick off the league’s domestic violence and sexual assault education session Wednesday.

In the video, Ehrmann asks men to think about how they would act if another man sexually, physically or verbally assaulted a woman they loved, encouraging them to raise a generation of men who “have the moral courage to call out other men.”

“What’s a team? A team is nothing more than a set of relationships for a cause,” he says. “But every team is built on the trust the respect, the integrity and the dignity of ever team member.”

The anti-violence session will be rolled out to all 32 teams over the coming weeks.

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