RNC Video Lampoons Obama Fundraising Effort - East Idaho News

RNC Video Lampoons Obama Fundraising Effort

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Getty 060412 SJParkerAnnaWintour?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1338827186998Eric Ryan/Getty Images(WASHINGTON) — The Republican National Committee released a new web video Monday lampooning the Obama campaign’s latest fundraising effort, a web ad with Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour that came out Friday, the same day as the dismal jobs report.

The RNC’s online video titled “Meanwhile” pokes fun at the Wintour web video, beginning with the line “On the same day the unemployment rate rose to 8.2 percent. …” Both videos are online only.

As Wintour talks about a fundraiser for the Obama campaign she is hosting with actress Sarah Jessica Parker and first lady Michelle Obama, unemployment numbers for different groups  before and after the Obama presidency flash on the screen, including a rise in joblessness among women, Hispanics, African-Americans and young people.

The web video ends with the line: “Obama is focused on keeping his job, but what about yours?”

“There couldn’t be a better demonstration of this president’s misplaced priorities than a glitzy fundraising video release on the same day that marked more unemployed Americans,” said RNC Chairman Reince Priebus in a statement. “It’s more than obvious that this president just doesn’t get it. Millions are out of work, struggling to make ends meet and all this president cares about is raising money with the rich and famous to protect his own job.”  

The web video is targeted to supporters, especially an audience of young, fashion-conscious women who the Obama campaign hopes will enter the online contest on the chance of spending an evening with Wintour, Parker and the Obamas on June 14.  It’s similar to a raffle held last month that awarded two free tickets to a George Clooney fundraising dinner at the actor’s Los Angeles home.

The Obama campaign aired a television ad featuring Sarah Jessica Parker Sunday night on MTV three times. It was its first national TV ad of the election cycle, and it touts Obama’s record while also soliciting donations for the same fundraiser.

The Obama campaign did not immediately respond to requests for comment to the web ad.

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