Tony Awards Broadcast Draws Just Six Million Viewers - East Idaho News
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Tony Awards Broadcast Draws Just Six Million Viewers

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GETTY E 061212 TVRemote?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1339492651257Hemera/Thinkstock(LOS ANGELES) — CBS’ broadcast of the Tony Awards hit a sour note in the ratings.

The 66th annual Tony Awards, hosted by Neil Patrick Harris, was seen by six million viewers on Sunday night, according to That’s a record low for a Tonys broadcast.

The Tonys faced stiff competition on cable TV from AMC’s Mad Men, whose fifth-season finale attracted 2.7 million viewers, the most-watched finale in the drama’s history, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

On HBO, the fifth-season debut of True Blood reportedly drew 5.2 million viewers.  In addition, Bluefin Labs says there were more than 240,000 comments about the show on Facebook and Twitter, making it the most-talked-about premium cable season premiere ever.

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