How's The Speech? 'We'll Find Out Tonight,' Obama Says - East Idaho News

How’s The Speech? ‘We’ll Find Out Tonight,’ Obama Says

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021213 PresidentObamaPreparingforSOU?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1360695971505The White House(WASHINGTON) — Taking a break from speech preparation Tuesday afternoon, President Obama sounded confident about his State of the Union address but offered reporters little in the way of a preview.

“How’s the speech?” Obama was asked as he walked along the West Wing colonnade with Chief of Staff Denis McDonough.

“We’ll find out tonight,” he told reporters lined up for the annual photo-op.

Asked about North Korea, the president said only “we’ll find out everything I’ve got to say tonight.”

“In the meantime, enjoy the great weather,” he said.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio is set to deliver the Republican response.

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