Cops Probing 911 Calls Made from Katie Couric's Late Husband's Phone - East Idaho News
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Cops Probing 911 Calls Made from Katie Couric’s Late Husband’s Phone

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GETTY 21513 KatieCouric?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1360924385586Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images(NEW YORK) — New York City police are investigating 911 calls made from a landline phone in Katie Couric’s Manhattan home that is registered to her late husband.

Police sources tell the New York Daily News that the phone has dialed 911 at two in the morning every Tuesday for the past few weeks.  Officers have responded each time by visiting Couric’s building.

The talk show host reportedly has reached out to New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, who promised her that his department would investigate the matter.

Police are looking into whether the calls are a case of “spoofing,” a term used to describe the hijacking of a phone via a special device.

Couric referred to the incidents while taping her talk show Katie on Tuesday, which started late.  She explained to the audience that she’d received a disturbing call from an emergency operator that morning — a response to an errant 911 call — and that she couldn’t sleep because of it.

Couric’s husband, Jay Monahan, died of colon cancer in 1998.

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