Paul Ryan Won’t Hand Out Voting Card to Get Deal on Guns - East Idaho News

Paul Ryan Won’t Hand Out Voting Card to Get Deal on Guns

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Getty 090412 PaulRyan?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1365680165885J.D. Pooley/Getty Images(WASHINGTON) — With the Senate poised to start voting on its first gun measures of the year, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) says he is carefully watching the legislation, particularly the compromise reached on background checks with Sens. Pat Toomey (R- Pa.) and Joe Manchin (D -W.Va.).

Ryan and Toomey were elected to Congress at the same time and were roommates on Capitol Hill, but Ryan tells ABC News he would not automatically follow his lead on guns.

“I don’t give my voting card based on someone’s name.  I vote for something if I think it’s the right thing to do,” he said.

Ryan said he’s concerned that Congress will rush to legislate on guns and miss an opportunity to address related issues like mental illness.

“We need to look at the root cause of these problems, and I hope that we can do that.  I am worried that we won’t,” he said.

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