Escaped Florida Killers Not Cooperating in Forgery Case - East Idaho News

Escaped Florida Killers Not Cooperating in Forgery Case

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ht jenkins walker escaped inmates kb 131019 16x9 992?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1382406700783Courtesy Orange County Sheriff’s Office(PANAMA CITY, Fla.) — The two convicted murderers who used forged documents to walk out of a Florida prison are not cooperating with investigators trying to find out where they got the phony release letters, police sources said.

Agents have been questioning Joseph Jenkins and Charles Walker at Bay County Jail since they were taken back into custody on Saturday, but neither man has answered any questions about possible accomplices, police said.

Laboratory scientists in Pensacola, Fla., were testing the forged documents for DNA Monday, using a method called Touch DNA, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

Touch DNA is a method that analyzes skin cells possibly left on evidence.

FLDE Commissioner Gerald Bailey has indicated that more arrests would be made in connection with the jailbreak.

Agents have pinpointed suspects for possible arrest and are building a case against them, but do not have any arrest warrants at this time, police said Monday evening.

Jenkins and Walker were apprehended without incident at the Coconut Grove Motor Inn in Panama City on Saturday evening, officials said.

Law enforcement officials believe the two men may have paid someone thousands of dollars to create the forged release paper they used to con officials.

Jenkins was released on Sept. 27 from the Franklin Correctional Institution. On Oct. 8, Walker was released from the same facility, according to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office. Both releases came as a result of forged documents ordering reduced sentences for the two.

Jenkins, 34, was in jail on a 1998 first-degree murder conviction. He killed a father of six. Walker, also 34, was serving a life sentence for a second-degree murder. He shot a 23-year-old man in 1999.

Just three days after their respective releases, both men brazenly went to the corrections department to register as ex-felons, officials said.

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