Arrest Made in Colorado Kidnapping Case - East Idaho News

Arrest Made in Colorado Kidnapping Case

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ABC HT colorado kidnapping jef 131029 16x9 992?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1383404639201ABC News/Aurora Police Department (AURORA, Colo.) — Police have made an arrest in the high-profile Colorado kidnapping in which a “predator” pulled an 8-year-old girl through her bedroom window.

The Aurora Police Department announced Friday night that John Stanley Snorsky, 26, is in police custody and has been charged with first and second-degree burglary and second-degree kidnapping. He is being held on $500,000 bond.

Snorsky was arrested on Tuesday morning in Aurora with the assistance of the Colorado Department of Corrections Division of Adult Parole, police say, on an investigative parole hold on an unrelated case. Aurora police gathered sufficient evidence to charge him in the kidnapping case on Friday.

The girl, according to police, endured minor injuries, and authorities give her credit for screaming and putting up a struggle. The girl’s cries for help alerted her father, who ran outside and found her in an alley.

“An important element is a lesson to all of us parents. This young girl immediately cried out, immediately put up a fuss and struggled. Who knows if that saved her life,” Aurora, Colo., Police Chief Dan Oates said on Monday.

The girl’s grandmother, Beatrice Padilla, told The Denver Post the girl was doing her homework in her bunk bed sometime after midnight Monday. The suspect cut through and removed a screen before opening an unlocked window, according to police.

The man reached into the ground-floor window and grabbed the girl, pulling her out through the window, investigators said.

Police said the suspect headed toward the alleyway behind her home, but she began screaming for help and somehow managed to escape.  Her father ran out of the house only to find his daughter running back from the alley.  The father told police he saw a silver or gray car, possibly a BMW, speeding from the alley.

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