Are Russian Troops Really Pulling Back from Ukraine's Border? - East Idaho News

Are Russian Troops Really Pulling Back from Ukraine’s Border?

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GETTY 4114 UkraineMap?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1396358218778berean/Thinkstock(MOSCOW) — Russia’s defense minister on Tuesday became the latest to deny Russian troops have any intention of entering Ukraine.

His comments come a day after Russian President Vladimir Putin is said to have ordered the withdrawal of some of those forces.

The Defense Ministry said a battalion — likely some 500 soldiers — have returned from what they described as military drills. But that’s just a fraction of the tens of thousands of troops U.S. officials say have amassed along the border.

NATO’s leader said on Tuesday there’s no sign those forces are pulling back.

It’s perhaps a sign that, while Russia is trying to reduce tensions, it wants to keep up the pressure as it negotiates the future of post-revolution Ukraine. The Kremlin has drawn a red line, warning that Ukraine should declare its intention never to join NATO.

President Obama and European leaders have tried to reassure the Kremlin, saying there are no plans to invite Ukraine to join the alliance, yet on Tuesday, Russia again warned Kiev that joining NATO will result in severe economic consequences.

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