Emma Watson Threatened with Nude Photo Leak Following Gender Equality Speech - East Idaho News
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Emma Watson Threatened with Nude Photo Leak Following Gender Equality Speech

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gettY 092414 emmawatson?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1411575097623Mike Coppola/Getty Images(NEW YORK) — Though Emma Watson has received the support of several of her Hollywood peers since she delivered a speech on gender equality at the United Nations last week, she’s also faced some backlash on the Internet.

Britain’s The Telegraph notes that members of 4chan have threatened to release nude photos of the Harry Potter star. They reportedly set up a website called “EmmaYouAreNext,” a reference to the ongoing celebrity hacking scandal that has victimized Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton and others.

Watson does not appear to be backing down, though. On Tuesday, the 24-year-old actress and United Nations Women’s Goodwill Ambassador retweeted endorsements of the U.N.’s HeForShe gender equality movement from celebrities Logan Lerman, Chris Colfer, James Van Der Beek, Simon Pegg and Yoko Ono.

The HeForShe campaign calls on people to take action against all forms of violence and discrimination faced by women and girls.

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