Victoria Gotti Returns to Reality TV with “Growing Up Gotti: 10 Years Later” - East Idaho News
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Victoria Gotti Returns to Reality TV with “Growing Up Gotti: 10 Years Later”

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getty 110914 victoriagotti?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1415624870301Evan Agostini/Getty Images(NEW YORK) — Victoria Gotti is back on the small screen, thanks to A&E. Fans of her 2004 reality series, Growing Up Gotti, can catch up on their favorite mob family a decade later in a one-hour special airing Monday night, titled Growing Up Gotti: 10 Years Later.

Gotti tells ABC News Radio she didn’t hesitate to film the special, especially since she had an enjoyable time working alongside her three sons during the original reality show, which aired for three seasons.

“To be able to work and do this with my children, my family, [it was] fabulous! I loved it,” she says. “To me, if you would’ve said what’s the perfect job? That was it.”

One of the reasons why Gotti loved filming the reality show was because it helped squash rumors about her family. “We were considered this high-profile, behind-the-scenes family. [People thought] we lived behind bulletproof glass and you know everything was kinda like Godfather-style like back in the movie. So to now open the flood gates, it was like, ‘Whoa! What’s happening?'” she explains.

Ten years later, a lot has changed in the Gotti household, mainly with her sons. Still, fans will only see two sons — John and Carmine — during the special. Gotti’s youngest son, Frank, claimed he was sick during filming and didn’t participate. Victoria Gotti says that instead of focusing on girls, gel and tanning, her three boys now run a scrap metal company together.

There’s also one major change with John. “John is getting married to his childhood sweetheart [after] ten years,” Gotti shares excitedly. “They’ve been engaged I’d say [for] two years now.”

So how does the grandson of a famous reputed mobster propose? “We were all away on a family vacation, down in Miami, and he just came to me. It wasn’t that he even asked me. He showed me this ring and it just blew me away. I cried. There was a lot going on. My mom had had a really bad stroke. But this was a good thing, a happy thing, but I was kinda choked up,” Gotti recalls.

Fans can expect a lot more from the retrospective of the reality show that paved the way for VH1’s Mob Wives and even Bravo’s Real Housewives of New Jersey.

“I think we were one of the first families period that was of notable name [and] interest in any category. People then would say to me, ‘Are you crazy? You’re letting cameras in? You’re doing this? It’s unscripted?’ They couldn’t believe it,” Gotti says. “And I thought, ‘You know what? Why not?'”

A&E’s Growing Up Gotti: 10 Years Later airs Monday at 9 p.m. Eastern time.

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