Young People Are as Serious About Work as Older Generations - East Idaho News

Young People Are as Serious About Work as Older Generations

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getty 111314 workinhardhardlyworking?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1415885351964iStock/Thinkstock(WALTHAM, Mass.) — The big knock on millennials is that they feel an entitlement that other generations never did, particularly at the workplace.

However, perhaps older people are too quick to judge those in the 18-to-34 age group, at least according a survey by Bentley University that polled a thousand millennials nationwide.

The “Back to Work” poll revealed that four out of five millennials said they expected to be employed by four or fewer companies during their entire career, which contradicts the notion that many will only stay at jobs for year or two before getting bored.

Other findings included that 96 percent value health benefits over frequent raises while 95 percent believe it’s important to work for an ethical company.

As for millennials staying constantly wired, just over half say they prefer to talk with a work associate rather than email or text. And almost nine out of ten claims they check their work emails after business hours to stay on top of developments at their company.

It also turns out that millennials are not above being self-critical. Half say a poor work ethic is directly related to not being prepared for their first job. Meanwhile, two-thirds say that they’d be more productive if their boss limited the use of social media.

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