Holder Calls Police Fatalities 'Troubling,' Vows 'Unshakeable Commitment' - East Idaho News

Holder Calls Police Fatalities ‘Troubling,’ Vows ‘Unshakeable Commitment’

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Thinkstock 123014 EricHolder?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1419980317557Photo by Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images(WASHINGTON) — Attorney General Eric Holder called the data released Tuesday on law enforcement fatalities for 2014 “troubling,” adding that the figures “underscore the very real dangers that America’s brave law enforcement officers face every time they put on their uniforms.”

The report found that 126 federal, state, local, tribal and territorial officers were killed in the line of duty in 2014, and that 50 were killed by firearms. Both of those figures were higher in 2014 than in 2013.

Holder on Tuesday spoke about the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program and the Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Program, both of which are efforts headed by the Department of Justice to help provide lifesaving equipment and support to law enforcement officers and their families.

“Going forward, this unshakeable commitment to those who serve will continue to guide our efforts to improve 21st-century policing and build trust between law enforcement and the communities they protect,” Holder said.

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