Report: ISIS Has Executed Its Own Members - East Idaho News
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Report: ISIS Has Executed Its Own Members

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getty 123014 terrormilitants?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1419939127215iStock/Thinkstock(NEW YORK) — The Islamic State adheres to the maxim “Take no prisoners” to the extreme, according to a report that claims the extremist group even executes its own members.

According to statistics released by the British-based Syrian Observatory of Human Rights, at least 120 ISIS fighters have been killed for giving up the cause and attempting to return to their homelands.

There are reports that many of the thousands who’ve joined ISIS have become disillusioned with its goals, particularly after U.S. and allied war jets started pounding the group several months ago.

ISIS’ brutality has beeb well-documented since it declared a caliphate last June upon taking over large areas of Syria, northern and western Iraq.

In addition to the videotaped beheadings of American and British journalists, the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights claims ISIS has conducted at least 1,878 executions, most of them civilians who refused to declare allegiance to the group’s belief in strict Islamic law.

The human rights group also alleges that 500 Syrian soldiers and dozens of members of other Islamic rebel groups have been slaughtered by ISIS.

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