Surveillance Footage Shows Missing Pittsburgh Nurse Paul Kochu - East Idaho News

Surveillance Footage Shows Missing Pittsburgh Nurse Paul Kochu

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HT paul kochu nurse 1 sk 141230 4x3 1600?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1419967295497Pittsburgh Police Dept(PITTSBURGH) — Authorities are hopeful that newly discovered surveillance footage will offer clues into the Dec. 16 disappearance of a Pittsburgh nurse.

Paul Kochu, 22, vanished after a night out drinking with his roommates. When Kochu had too much to drink, he went home without them, his roommates said.

“He cut himself on broken glass or something, so we came home, helped clean that up,” Ben Monito said. “At the time, he was really emotional.”

The roommates, who are not suspected in Kochu’s disappearance, say they left to get food. When they returned, Kochu was gone, taking his wallet, keys and cellphone. His car was still parked outside.

Newly uncovered video footage captured that night by a neighbor’s surveillance camera shows Kochu stumbling through the streets with a white towel wrapped around his injured hand. Police said the video has resulted in some tips and insight.

“He does appear alone in that video, so at least during those 42 seconds, there is no foul play shown,” Pittsburgh police Public Information Officer Sonya Toler said.

But questions still linger about Kochu’s disappearance, which was followed by a desperate search and tearful vigil. Kochu had recently become a nurse in the intensive care unit at Allegheny General Hospital after six years of studying. He planned to spend the holidays at home with his parents.

Kochu’s parents are offering a $20,000 reward leading to information on his whereabouts.

“It’s very difficult when there are very few answers and thousands of questions,” his father, Jack Kochu, said.


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