Suspected Robber Knocked Out of His Sandals by ATM Explosion - East Idaho News
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Suspected Robber Knocked Out of His Sandals by ATM Explosion

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GETTY 123014 ATM?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1419976560922payphoto/iStock/Thinkstock(WINNELLIE, Australia) — Australian police are searching for a would-be thief who they say was blown out of his sandals after lighting an explosive at an ATM.

The cash machine located in Winnellie, Australia, was completely destroyed according to a post from Northern Territory Police.

In the surveillance video, a man with a white T-shirt over his face is seen holding a lighter to what police said was an “explosive” at the ATM.

Within seconds, the item explodes and knocks the man backwards on to the ground, according to the video.

His sandals were knocked off, but he got up, tore the T-shirt off his face and ran off barefoot. Police said they believe he’s involved with a similar ATM robbery that took place on Christmas Eve.

“This behaviour is extremely dangerous and there is absolutely no reward. This person is lucky to have escaped serious injury,” said Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Karl Day of the Northern Territory Police Department.

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