Doctor Groups, American Bar Association Recommend Gun Control Measures - East Idaho News

Doctor Groups, American Bar Association Recommend Gun Control Measures

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thinkstock 2.23.15 pistol?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1424747945960gibgalich/iStock/Thinkstock(NEW YORK) — The American Bar Association and eight major medical and public health professional societies – including physicians, surgeons, and psychiatrists – are putting forth recommendations to curb the growing number of deaths and injuries caused by firearms.

The recommendations, released Monday in the Annals of Internal Medicine, include criminal background checks for all firearm purchases, eliminating “gag laws” that prevent doctors from speaking to patients about gun ownership, and supporting improved access to mental health care.

This new collaboration looks to gain more support from other professional societies and to eventually provide recommendations for gun safety legislation.

The collaborators are looking to release their recommendations and seek additional support.

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