LDS Members can soon pay tithing online - East Idaho News

LDS Members can soon pay tithing online

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SALT LAKE CITY – Many members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will soon be apply to pay their tithing and other donations electronically.

The Online Donations system will allow members in the United States an additional method to submit their contributions to the Church.

For decades donation envelopes and contributions were given to priesthood leaders in each ward and branch. This same process may still be used but, for those who wish, they may make their contributions through the online donation system developed by the Church.

The Church Online Donations website will be rolled out to congregations in the US throughout 2015, and the Church will notify local leaders when it is available in their area.

The Church’s Finance and Records Department said the initial site not only demonstrated a simplified donation process for members, but also showed that this new approach reduced the load on local leaders and clerks charged with processing donations.

For those with a friend or family member serving a mission, the website allows anyone with an LDS Account — Church member or not — to donate to help financially support that missionary.