A Blackfoot hotel is allegedly haunted and you are invited on the tour - East Idaho News

A Blackfoot hotel is allegedly haunted and you are invited on the tour

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BLACKFOOT – A dark, shadowy figure looms in a window near the sealed basement of the Milmore Hotel. A little girl wanders the hallways and tenants have reported the sound of children playing in empty rooms. These are just some of the ghost stories that surround the old Milmore Hotel in Blackfoot.

“The hotel is definitely haunted,” said former tenant Kimberly Messler. “I was sitting in the office one day and I could hear a door shaking and when I got up to see what was going on, the door to the boiler room was shaking like someone was trying to get out, however we always kept the door locked.

Haunted hotel bell hop
Leslie Sieger | EastIdahoNews.com.

This year the Blackfoot Community Players (BCP) will trade in the haunting of the Grandstand of Terror at the Eastern Idaho State Fairgrounds, and begin haunting the old hotel.

Groups will be taken down the street to the hotel where they will be led down stairs into the old boiler room where dark shadows have been known to lurk in the coal room.

“One time I saw black hands with long nails,” said actor Jalen Jenson.

Costume director Nancy Lindholm also recounted a chilling story in the basement.

“We were in the boiler room before we had gotten the water heaters out,” Lindholm said. “I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and there were only water heaters.”

Haunted hotel
Leslie Sieger | EastIdahoNews.com.

Guests will then be taken up the servants stairs where they will enter various rooms of terror. The tour will end in the lobby of the old Milmore.

According to HauntedHotelBlackfoot.org, Blackfoot Milmor Hotel was built in 1916. In its prime it hosted thousands of overnight guests, many who allegedly still refuse to leave. Mysterious guests and Hotel Staff still roam the halls and lurk in and out of the dark hallways and abandoned rooms.

The terror begins at 7:30 p.m. from now through Oct. 31, at the Nuart, 192 North Broadway.