A special gift from a Secret Santa delivered to a local couple at Primary Children’s Hospital
Published atThe EastIdahoNews.com team is busy helping a local man gift $500,000 this holiday season! Secret Santa is a real person who wants to remain anonymous and wants to help as many people as he can.
We will be surprising deserving people and families every day from now until Christmas with gifts unique to their circumstances.
On Dec. 4, Ben Parker and his oldest daughter, Rosie, were in a car crash in front of their home. The car was totaled. Ben sustained a concussion and Rosie sustained was seriously injured.
Rosie began having medical complications and had to be revived three times. She became septic and was transferred to Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City.
Fortunately Rosie is recovering but she will be in the hospital for several weeks or even months. The Parker’s need a new vehicle and will have large medical bills.
Secret Santa decided to give the Parkers a Christmas gift. Because they are in the hospital in Utah, the East Idaho News elves asked their bishop to take them the present. Watch the video above to see what happened!