Life Lessons Encore: Robert and Barbara Wheeler share their thoughts on America - East Idaho News
Life Lessons

Life Lessons Encore: Robert and Barbara Wheeler share their thoughts on America

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Life is hard, stressful, fast-paced and can sometimes be overwhelming. That’s why is partnering with MorningStar Senior Living of Idaho Falls to bring you Life Lessons.

We’re asking MorningStar residents to share gems of wisdom every Tuesday with us. Some of their answers will make you laugh, some may make you cry, some may even change your life.

We first introduced you to Robert Wheeler last year. He spent time flying airplanes when he was in the military and went on to become a professional pilot. He met his wife, Barbara, a few years ago and they have been together ever since.

We spent an afternoon at the Aero Mark hanger in Idaho Falls speaking with the Wheelers as they shared their thoughts about America. Watch the video in the player above.