Tears flow down young woman's face after she receives a surprise from Secret Santa - East Idaho News
Secret Santa

Tears flow down young woman’s face after she receives a surprise from Secret Santa

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The EastIdahoNews.com team is busy helping a local Secret Santa give $1 million to deserving people in eastern Idaho this holiday season. Every day, from now until Christmas, we will post videos of the recipients being surprised with these life-changing gifts.

Bri is an amazing human being who handles challenges with her head up and a positive attitude.

When she was in junior high school, she moved to Idaho from Texas to live with her aunt and uncle. They took good care of her but sadly, her aunt passed away a few years ago from cancer.

In March 2021, Bri was able to serve a mission in California for her church, and she loved every second of it. While she was away, her uncle decided to move to a small home, thus leaving her without a place to live when she returned.

When Bri arrived back in eastern Idaho, she needed a place to live, clothes to wear and basically was starting over.

She is in the process of starting school, and her only laptop takes two minutes to process each time a button is pushed. This makes it almost impossible to do any kind of work. Bri has the kindest heart and would do anything for anyone.

Secret Santa asked the East Idaho News elves to pay Bri a visit with some early Christmas gifts. Watch the video above to see the surprise!

watch Secret Santa videos