Teenager working full time at Lucy's Pizza to support his mom gets a huge tip from a Secret Santa - East Idaho News
Secret Santa

Teenager working full time at Lucy’s Pizza to support his mom gets a huge tip from a Secret Santa

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The EastIdahoNews.com team is busy helping a local Secret Santa give $1 million to deserving people in eastern Idaho this holiday season. Every day, from now until Christmas, we will post videos of the recipients being surprised with these life-changing gifts.

Isaiah and his sister Ivette attend high school in Idaho Falls. They are both amazing students and work hard outside of school to help with their family expenses.

Their mother works and does the best she can to provide for them. Unfortunately, she recently had surgery that will make her unable to work for about six weeks. Due to this long recovery time and her not receiving a paycheck, Isaiah has recently decided to withdraw from school and work full time at Lucy’s Pizza to provide for the family.

Isaiah and his family never ask anyone for anything and he is taking on more than what the average person his age has to go through.

Secret Santa asked the East Idaho News elves to surprise Isaiah while he was working at Lucy’s Pizza. We had to get creative in how we surprised him. Check it out in the video player above!

watch Secret Santa videos