Three Fish and Game wildlife management areas remain closed in eastern Idaho - East Idaho News

Three Fish and Game wildlife management areas remain closed in eastern Idaho

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The following is a news release and photo from the Idaho Department of Fish and Game.

IDAHO FALLS – Tex Creek, Montpelier, and Georgetown Wildlife Management Areas managed by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game will remain closed to all public entry until May 15. Big game animals are still concentrated on these WMAs due to persisting snow levels in some areas of the Upper Snake and Southeast Regions.

Hunters and other outdoor recreationists are reminded that springtime is still hard on big game, especially after a severe winter. Fat reserves are depleted, making animals vulnerable when disturbed.

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Please give wildlife its space while enjoying your springtime adventures. Respect all public land and trail closures. And, if hiking with dogs, remember it is unlawful to allow your dogs to harass or chase big game.