Idaho law enforcement agencies mobilizing against impaired driving - East Idaho News

Idaho law enforcement agencies mobilizing against impaired driving

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IDAHO FALLS — Bonneville County Sheriff’s deputies will be joining law enforcement from across the state to intercept impaired drivers over the next couple of weeks, the Sheriff’s Office said in a news release Wednesday.

Agencies will be taking part in an Impaired Driving Mobilization with the Idaho Office of Highway Safety.

“Grant funds from the Idaho Office of Highway Safety will help put extra deputies on our roads, looking for and intercepting impaired drivers,” officials said.

The “100 deadliest days of summer” – the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day – is coming to an end. However, law enforcement officials say Idaho, “has seen a number of serious and fatality crashes, a good portion of which involved impaired drivers.”

45 lives lost: ‘100 Deadliest Days’ a grim reality in Idaho

That’s why law enforcement agencies are reminding everyone that making “the smart choice” to drive sober or find a safe way home is sometimes all it takes to prevent these crashes.

If you’ve been drinking — even if you feel like you aren’t impaired — the best choice is to not get behind the wheel.

“Too often, we see drivers take that chance and when there is a tragic result it unnecessarily changes peoples lives forever,” officials said.

The Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office and other law enforcement agencies are urging Idahoans to add plans to drive responsibly and sober or find a safe ride home.

“Avoid the risk completely so you can enjoy your summer activities with friends and families,” they said in the news release.

If you see or suspect someone is driving while impaired call your local Law Enforcement or *ISP (*477) to report it immediately. If you’ve been drinking or using intoxicating substances, find a safe ride home and don’t take the chance of being involved in a crash or getting arrested.