The wishes were simple for this elderly couple and a Secret Santa was happy to fulfill the request - East Idaho News

The wishes were simple for this elderly couple and a Secret Santa was happy to fulfill the request

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The team is busy helping a local Secret Santa give $1 million to deserving people in eastern Idaho this holiday season. This is the ninth year the Secret Santa is blessing people in our community and every day, from now until the end of the year, we will post videos of the recipients being surprised with these life-changing gifts.

Secret Santa received a message about the Bening couple who live in Bonneville County. It said:

My grandparents took me in at the age of 10! They helped raise me my entire life!! I ended up with epilepsy at the age of 20 I have been in and out of brain surgeries trying to find some kind of relief!! The whole way through, my grandparents have helped me financially and mentally. Without them, there is no way me or my 5-year-old little boy would survive!! I think they deserve this because they go out of their way for everyone they know in our family and with their church!! My grandpa has had multiple back surgeries in the last few years and my grandma has had multiple shoulder surgeries and back surgeries. They need a new riding lawnmower as theres is broken and they are unable to fix it. They need yarn so my grandma can keep making hot pots to give to people in need.

Secret Santa asked if we could surprise the Bennings with an early Christmas gift. Check out the video in the player above!

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