Cheerleading coach whose husband died while she was pregnant gets a Secret Santa surprise at practice - East Idaho News
Secret Santa

Cheerleading coach whose husband died while she was pregnant gets a Secret Santa surprise at practice

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The team is busy helping a local Secret Santa give $1 million to deserving people in eastern Idaho this holiday season.

Sierra is such a light in the Blackfoot community and especially to the dance class she teaches. The kids all love and adore her as she puts in countless hours helping them achieve their goals and taking them to competition. She volunteers many hours helping others.

Sierra has gone through some very hard things. Her husband died in a car crash a few months before their youngest child was born. Through this time of grief and being a single mom, she never complains.

Her husband was going to upgrade the bathroom so it had a bathtub for the kids and fix the water line to the house but since he passed, the work has not been done. She has had no water and goes out in the cold to fill water jugs many times a day to have drinking water, water for cooking, washing and showering.

Secret Santa asked the East Idaho News elves to pay Sierra a visit and we tracked her down at cheerleading practice. Check out the surprise in the video player above!

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