Volunteers doing cleanup at local cemetery this Saturday and they're asking for your help - East Idaho News
Cemetery cleanup

Volunteers doing cleanup at local cemetery this Saturday and they’re asking for your help

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IDAHO FALLS – Memorial Day is around the corner and a group of volunteers are organizing a service project at a local cemetery.

Riverside Thomas Cemetery at 939 West ID Highway 39 about 10 miles west of Blackfoot is in need of some cleanup and maintenance as people prepare to visit gravesites on Memorial Day.

It’s happening this Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon.

Luke Hammond is one of the volunteers helping to spread the word about it. He tells EastIdahoNews.com the type of work they’ll be doing.

“There was some damage made in the winter from heavy snow, especially to the trees along the border. So there is definitely some clean up to do there,” Hammond says. “There will also be some clean up of individual grave markers.”

hammond pic
Trees that need pruned at Riverside Thomas Cemetery | Courtesy Luke Hammond

Volunteers with Just Serve — a nonprofit operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that connects people of all faiths to service opportunities — are organizing the project.

Students graduating from Snake River High School will be participating to complete service hours for their senior project. Anyone else who feels inclined to participate is encouraged to attend.

Tools will be provided at the cemetery. Refreshments will be served once the project is complete.

Additional information is available here or in the flyer below.

riverside thomas cemetery
Courtesy Luke Hammond

cemetery cleanup flyer