LIVE UPDATES: Chad Daybell sentenced to death by jury
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Please excuse the typos. These are live updates from the courtroom.
12:31 p.m. The sentencing proceeding has been finished. The prosecution is expected to do a news conference outside shortly. We will be covering it live.
12:30 p.m. Chad remains without emotion. He is fiddling with his fingers.
12:29 p.m. Boyce reminds Chad that he has the right to appeal the death penalty. He says the death warrant will be filed 42 days after sentencing.
12:28 p.m. There will be no fines added to the insurance fraud sentence, because Chad has been deemed indigent. Boyce will not be making any further comments to Chad. “The evidence has already demonstrated on the record the seriousness of what’s occurred,” says Boyce.
12:27 p.m. Boyce notes that Chad did not have a criminal history before this case, and he has always handled himself professionally in court. He says he took those matters into account when deciding on a sentence.
12:26 p.m. Boyce says the rationale for the insurance fraud sentences is that they are intertwined with murder charges that ended up with the death penalty.
12:25 p.m. Chad declines to make a statement before the sentencing on the insurance fraud cases. Boyce has sentenced Chad to 15 years in prison for each of the two insurance fraud counts.
12:24 p.m. Lindsey Blake says because Chad was just sentenced to death, the state thinks the victim impact statements from yesterday covers everything they would want to say. “We have lost three individuals, and the state cannot help but bring them back,” says Blake. “The best we can do is try to bring justice,” Blake asks that the insurance fraud sentences be 15 years in prison, each to run concurrent to death and restitution be $130,000 plus $300,000 for the life insurance money taken.
12:21 p.m. Boyce says he has considered the factors of the case in lieu of a pre-sentence investigation report after Chad waived his right to have one done. The state will be making a statement before sentencing for insurance fraud.
12:18 p.m. Count 6: First-degree murder of Tammy Daybell – Chad is officially sentenced to death.
12:18 p.m. Count 5: Conspiracy to commit first-degree murder of Tammy Daybell – Chad is officially sentenced to death.
12:18 p.m. Count 4: First-degree murder of JJ Vallow – Chad is officially sentenced to death.
12:18 p.m. Count 3: Criminal conspiracy to kill JJ Vallow and grand theft by deception – Chad is officially sentenced to death.
12:18 p.m. Count 2: First-degree murder of Tylee Ryan – Chad is officially sentenced to death.
12:18 p.m. Count 1: Criminal conspiracy to kill Tylee Ryan and grand theft by deception – Chad is officially sentenced to death.
12:17 p.m. Boyce says that he has reviewed the jury’s sentence of death, so he will now sentence Chad officially on the counts in the amended indictment.
12:15 p.m. The jury is seated.
12:14 p.m. Also, here is some history about the death penalty in Idaho. It may provide some insight as to what Chad Daybell’s future could hold as he awaits the death penalty.
12:14 p.m. If you’re interested – here is an article I wrote about who is currently on death row in Idaho – that now includes Chad Daybell.
12:13 p.m. Judge Boyce is back on the bench. Chad is in the courtroom. Jurors are being brought in.
12:09 p.m. Back in the courtroom. Chad Daybell is not at his table, but the attorneys are seated.
11:39 a.m. Court is taking a 30-minute recess before Chad will be sentenced on the remaining charges. The victims and families are in tears.
11:37 a.m. Judge Boyce will also sentence Chad Daybell for the insurance fraud charges now.
11:37 a.m. Chad Daybell has been given the death penalty by the jury. Chad is still emotionless.
11:36 a.m. The clerk is reading every aggravating factor, and all of them do not find that the death penalty is unjust.
11:36 a.m. It looks as if one of the jurors is crying.
11:35 a.m. The microphone has broken. They are fixing it.
11:32 a.m. The jury has found that the mitigating factors are not compelling enough, that the death penalty is unjust.
11:28 a.m. The jury has found that ALL aggravating factors alleged by the state DO exist.
11:27 a.m. Boyce says the verdict form is “long and complicated,” so he is taking a moment to review it.
11:26 a.m. The bailiff is giving the sentencing verdict to Judge Boyce.
11:25 a.m. Jurors have been seated.
11:24 a.m. There is a very heavy vibe in this room right now, seconds before we find out if Chad Daybell will spend the rest of his natural life in prison, or be sentenced to the death penalty.
11:23 a.m. Boyce says there was a jury question yesterday and one today. No word as to what they were. Jurors are being brought in.
11:22 a.m. Judge Boyce is on the bench. Waiting for jurors to come in and be seated.
11:21 a.m. Chad is emotionless and stoic – very similar to all of the previous days of trial.
11:15 a.m. Colby Ryan, Tammy’s family, and Larry and Kay Woodcock are in the courtroom. Chad Daybell’s children are not here.
11:13 a.m. Chad Daybell has entered the courtroom. He is wearing a blue shirt and blue tie. Attorneys are at their tables.
11:12 a.m. In the courtroom, waiting for Chad Daybell’s sentencing verdict to be read.
10:51 a.m. Hearing now, that court will start at 11:15 a.m.
10:49 a.m. Tammy’s family is now here, standing outside the courtroom.
10:43 a.m. Just heard from Larry Woodcock that WE HAVE A SENTENCING VERDICT! Court will begin at 11 a.m.
10:33 a.m. Still sitting in the hallway! I just had a very nutritious and fulfilling Kit Kat bar – breakfast of champions. Sitting in the hallway with me are about 20 interested public/media members, Larry and Kay Woodcock, and two bailiffs. Tammy’s family has not come upstairs.
9 a.m. Kaitlyn Hart with, back in the courthouse for day 2 of Chad Daybell’s sentencing phase. The jury has been deliberating over whether Chad will face life in prison or the death penalty for nearly seven hours. As soon as I hear anything new, I will update this page.