Looking back: Hay fork pierces through rancher’s lung and man attempts to drive 175 hours without sleep
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IDAHO FALLS — EastIdahoNews.com is looking back at what life was like during the week of Sept. 2 to Sept. 8 in east Idaho history.
BLACKFOOT– A local well-known rancher was seriously injured after a hay fork went through his left lung, The Bingham County News reported on Sept. 7, 1911.
Gus Powell was hauling his last load of hay for the day when the accident happened.
“He became overbalanced and fell from the load,” the paper explained. “(At that time) a hay fork passed through his left lung.”
The article continued, “For a time, little hope of his recovery was entertained but at the present time, he is improving and will recover.”
POCATELLO– A man, who held the world’s record for long distance driving of a car without sleep, started on a record-breaking trip from Pocatello, the Idaho State Journal wrote on Sept. 8, 1927.
Elmer Steel, also called “the man of steel,” was trying to drive for 175 hours without sleep or rest.
“He drove to Twin falls and then returned to Pocatello Tuesday night. On Wednesday, he drove to Idaho Falls and points north, returning to Pocatello Thursday,” the paper said. “From Pocatello, he will drive east and south, in all directions, endeavoring to hang up a new mileage record and also break his former record of 172 hours without sleep.”
Steel was “handcuffed to the steering wheel of the car by the chief of police of Pocatello.” A trained nurse accompanies him on the trip (switching out every eight hours). He also has an exam by a physician every 24 hours.
Steel planned to finish his trip by returning to Rigby.
RIGBY — A tree stopped a speeding car driven by a 19-year-old, The Rigby Star reported on Sept. 2, 1954.
Glendon Wilson, of Rigby, failed to stop at the intersection of Annis Road, north of Rigby, and the east-west highway from Lorenzo to Menan, at 9:20 p.m. on Friday.
“The car crossed the east-west highway and went into the driveway of the Hy Campbell farm, narrowly missing the residence and crashed into a tree,” the article states.
Wilson was slightly injured but was not hospitalized. The car was “demolished.”
POCATLELLO — A Nevada woman was arrested in Pocatello on a charge of indecent exposure, the Idaho State Journal reported on Sept. 7, 1977.
Maxine Virne, 32, was accused of running near Gould and Main around 4:45 p.m., “wearing nothing but ankle socks and blue tennis shoes.”
She plead guilty to the misdemeanor charge and was given a three-day suspended jail sentence and fined $7.50 in court costs.