Why It's a Lot Easier to Spill Coffee than Beer - East Idaho News

Why It’s a Lot Easier to Spill Coffee than Beer

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Thinkstock 112514 Beer?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1416911340512kzenon/iStockphoto/Thinkstock(NEW YORK) — And for our next trick, we’ll try to walk from the barista to our table without spilling this tray of coffee.

Good luck with that. As opposed to carbonated beverages like beer, coffee often spills out of the cup regardless of how careful we walk. But why?

It took some geniuses from Princeton and NYU to figure out the answer: it’s all about the bubbles in beer and the lack thereof in coffee.

Apparently, foam in a heavy stout like Guinness reduced much of the sloshing, making it a lot easier to go from counter to table with beer than coffee.

Researchers explained their interest in such a seemingly trivial study by noting that the findings are relevant to “numerous industrial applications,” including the transfer of liquids in cargoes.

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