One Killed, Two Rescued After Colorado Avalanche - East Idaho News

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One Killed, Two Rescued After Colorado Avalanche

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thinkstock 123114 mountains?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1420071261698BSANI/iStock/Thinkstock(DENVER) — A man was killed in an avalanche on Wednesday west of Denver.

Major Rick Albers of the Clear Creek County Sheriff’s Office says the man was with a woman and another man snowshoeing along Kelso Ridge about 12,000 feet up the trail when the avalanche started.

The woman activated her began and she and the other man were able to located the victim in 15 to 20 minutes.

“They unburied him; she said there was four foot of snow on top of him,” Albers said. “They felt for a pulse. The gentleman that was with him tried to give him a couple breaths, but in the position I guess that he was in, it wasn’t working, and that’s when they called the sheriff’s office.”

Ethan Greene, director of the Colorado Avalanche Information Center says there will be an investigation at the site in the days ahead.

“The chance of a spontaneous or natural avalanche is decreasing, but there’s still a lot of places where people can trigger avalanches,” he said.

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