She took in 4 nephews following the death of their mother. Now Secret Santa is thanking her with a gift. - East Idaho News

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Secret Santa

She took in 4 nephews following the death of their mother. Now Secret Santa is thanking her with a gift.

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Letty Sotelo is a registered nurse who is smart, caring and has a heart of gold. People who come across her say that she would take a bullet for you. This summer, her sister tragically passed away.

Letty and her husband, Juan, opened up their home to her four nephews, ranging in age from 6 to 17. Letty and Juan also have two children of their own – a 9-year-old and a 3-year-old. Letty has given everything she has to her nephews and provided them with a stable place to live.

Letty would give anything for her children and would give you the last dollar in her wallet. She is an amazing nurse, great friend and wonderful mother.

Secret Santa asked the elves to go surprise Letty with an early Christmas gift. Watch the video above to see what happened!

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