Welcome to Winter - East Idaho News

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Welcome to Winter

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(IDAHO FALLS, ID)  —    Idaho winter—you either love it or hate it. But one thing is for cer­tain, if you live in east­ern Idaho, you bet­ter learn how to deal with it. It’s coming.

To make win­ter eas­ier to deal with this year, Idaho Falls Mag­a­zine is team­ing up with SnoW­estMag­a­zine, River­bend Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Action Motor Sports to spon­sor the first ever “Wel­come to Win­ter” com­mu­nity event.

“Although many east­ern Idaho res­i­dents have dis­cov­ered that win­ter is an excit­ing time of year (the worlds’ best ski­ing and snow­mo­bil­ing is found here),” said Steve Janes, pub­lisher of SnoW­estMag­a­zine, “we want to show every­one all the excit­ing things that are avail­able to do dur­ing winter.”

Wel­come To Win­ter will be free to the pub­lic and is based on the theme If you’re going to live in East­ern Idaho, you bet­ter enjoy win­ter. “And we’re going to show you all the ways you can,” Janes explained.

The event will be held Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 at 1568 Hitt Road in Idaho Falls (just south of the round-about at Hitt and Lin­coln across the street from Smith RV in the Home Empo­rium build­ing). A large empty build­ing will be trans­formed in to a two-day mini-mall with every­thing good about win­ter found inside. There will also be sem­i­nars pre­sented every 30 min­utes from experts within the recre­ation indus­try describ­ing both how to get started and involved into a par­tic­u­lar type of win­ter recre­ation, as well as how to learn advanced skills and safety training.

The 18,000 square foot facil­ity located in an industrial/business cen­ter fea­tures plenty of park­ing and room for 100 10-by-10 booths so venders and enthu­si­asts can set up shop to high­light all the things avail­able to make win­ter exciting.

The show will begin Fri­day at 4 p.m. and run until 9 p.m. Sat­ur­day the show will be open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fol­low­ing the event on Sat­ur­day after­noon, there will be a fundraiser for the Bon­neville County Sheriff’s Search and Res­cue spon­sored by Boon­dock­ers. The Boon­dock­ers BCSSR will fea­ture an open house start­ing at 5 p.m. fol­lowed by the show­ing of the Boon­dock­ers 9 video at 7 p.m. For more infor­ma­tion.

East­ern Idaho is a great loca­tion for some of the best out­door oppor­tu­ni­ties in the world. There are plenty of win­ter activ­i­ties within a very short drive from Idaho Falls.

“We want to pro­mote these activ­i­ties, show the pub­lic how they can get involved in these activ­i­ties and cel­e­brate win­ter as an excit­ing time of sea­son … not just some­thing that has to be endured,” Janes said.

East­ern Idaho is also home to some major play­ers in the win­ter sports com­mu­nity, par­tic­u­larly for snow­mo­bil­ing. Action Motor Sports has long been one of the pre­mier power sports deal­ers in the area. But win­ter can be more than just about snow­mo­bil­ing and ski­ing. There will also be oppor­tu­ni­ties to learn how to deal with ice cov­ered win­ter roads or drifted-in driveways.

The show will high­light both down­hill and cross coun­try ski­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties along with snow­mo­bile trails and rental oppor­tu­ni­ties. There def­i­nitely will be some­thing for every­one dur­ing the two day event which is open free to the public.

For more infor­ma­tion con­tact Robin Black at (208) 542‑2204.

